Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee
Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory Forever!
Sunday of the Publican and Pharisee;
February 9, 2025
Sat 2/8/2025 4pm Vigil Divine Liturgy +Horacio Tisera (in memory of his B-Day) by Tina Soley
Sun 2/9/2025 9:30am Divine Liturgy +Susan Herman by Rick and Irena Reeder
Wed 2/12/25 7:00pm Liturgy for Healing Betty Olen by Cindy Hills
Fri 2/14/25 7:00pm Moleben to Mary
Sat 2/15/2025 4pm Vigil Divine Liturgy +Stephen and +Mary Varva by Drew Moniot
Sun 2/16/2025 9:30am Divine Liturgy +Aunt Sue Herman by Paula and Pete Eury
Variable Parts Tone 5 - Pages 146— 147; Mtg. w/Simeon Pgs. 321 - 323; Sunday of the Publican Pg 215
Epistle 2 Timothy 3:10-15
Gospel Luke 18:10-14
Memorial Candle Request - No Candle Request
Epistle Readers 8-Feb Mary Troyan 9-Feb Shari Allen 15-Feb John Baycura/Mary Motko 16-Feb Eva Babick
Please Pray for: Ole J. Bergh, Erik Bergh, Liz Moyta, Fr. Michael Huszti, Fr. Laska, Susie Curcio, Teresa Milkovich, Robert Saper, Anna Habil, Martha Sapar, Mike Dancisin, Karen Smaretsky Vavro, Diane Sotak, Anna Pocchiari, Larry Hamil, Beverly Jones, Marilyn Book, Maryann Russin Schyvers, Nick Russin, Ken Konchan
Attendance: 2/1 — 19; 2/2 — 83; 1/29 — 12; 1/30 — 8; Collection: 2/1 & 2/2 — $2,426.00
Gibsonia Schedule
Sun 2/9/25 11:30am Divine Liturgy Sunday of the Publican
Thu 2/13/25 7:00pm Divine Liturgy
Sun 2/16/25 11:30am Divine Liturgy Sunday of the Prodigal Son
The Triodion: (Gk., "book of three odes"; Slay. Postnaya Tricid, "penitential" or "fasting triodion") contains the special prayers and hymns used during the Great Fast. The title Triodion refers to the small canons with only three odes which are sung at Matins on weekdays of the Fast. Because the Pentecostarion is sometimes called a Triodion as well (Slay. Tsvetnaya Tridd, "flowery" or "festal triodion"), the more specific title Lenten Triodion is often used to distinguish the two books.
Contents of the Triodion: The "time of the Triodion" (another name for the season of the Great Fast) begins with the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee. This Sunday and the next Sunday, the Sunday of the Prodigal Son, have special hymns that prepare us for the Fast. Beginning with the following Saturday, the Triodion has proper hymns for every day through the end of the Great Fast:The Great Fast comes to an end at sundown on Friday of the sixth week.
The next eight days, from Lazarus Saturday to Great and Holy Saturday, make up Great and Holy Week. This division of the Triodion is still used in the Church Slavonic liturgical books in the Catholic churches of the Ruthenian Rite.
On the other hand, many Orthodox churches follow the New Rite, that place the Holy Week materials in the Lenten Triodion, and begin the Pentecostarion with the feast of Pascha. This organization is usually followed in those Byzantine Catholic liturgical books produced in English. ) Source: https: //mci.archpittlorg/liturgy/Triodion.html
Catechesis on Jubilee- Jubilee as a continuous conversion
Dear brothers and sisters!
The Jubilee is for people and for the Earth a new beginning; it is a time when everything must be rethought within the dream of God. And we know that the word "conversion" indicates a change of direction. Everything can be seen, at last, from another perspective, and so our steps also go towards new goals. This is how hope, which never disappoints, arises. The Bible tells of this in many ways. And for us too, the experience of faith has been stimulated by encounters with people who have been able to change in life and have, so to speak, entered into God's dreams. For even though there is much evil in the world, we can distinguish who is different: their greatness, which often coincides with littleness, wins us over.
In the Gospels, the figure of Mary Magdalene stands out above all others for this. Jesus healed her with mercy (cf. Lk 8:2), and she changed: sisters and brothers, mercy changes, mercy changes the heart, and for Mary Magdalene, mercy brought her into God's dreams and gave new purpose to her journey.
The Gospel of John tells of her encounter with the Risen Jesus in a way that makes us think. It is repeated several times that Mary turned around. The Evangelist chooses his words well! In tears, Mary looks first inside the tomb, then she turns around: the Risen one is not on the side of death, but on the side of life. He can be mistaken for one of the people we encounter every day. Then, when she hears her name spoken, the Gospel says that again Mary turns around. And this is how her hope grows: now she sees the tomb, but not like before. She can dry her tears, because she has heard her own name: only the Master pronounces it in this way. The old world still seems to be there, but it is no more. When we feel that the Holy Spirit is acting in our heart, and we feel that the Lord is calling us by name, do we know how to distinguish the voice of the Master?
Dear brothers and sisters, from Mary Magdalene, whom tradition calls "the apostle of the apostles", we learn hope. One enters the new world by converting more than once. Our journey is a constant invitation to change perspective. The Risen One takes us into His world, step by step, on the condition that we do not claim to know everything already.
Let us ask ourselves today: do I know how to turn around to see things differently, with a different outlook? Do I have the desire for conversion?
An overconfident ego that is too proud prevents us from recognizing the Risen Jesus. Even when we weep and despair, we turn our back on Him. Instead of looking into the darkness of the past, into the emptiness of a tomb, from Mary Magdalene we learn to turn towards life. There our Master awaits us. There our name is spoken. For in real life there is a place for us, always and everywhere. There is a place for you, for me, for everyone. No one can take it, because it has always been meant for us. It is bad, as they say in the common parlance, it is bad to leave an empty seat: "This place is for me; if I don't go...". Everyone can say: I have a place, I am a mission! Think about this: what is my place? What is the mission that the Lord gives us? May this thought help us to take a courageous attitude in life. Thank you.